What to Expect

What to expect upon arrival
COVID-19 Guidelines: Only patients will be admitted into the building at this time, unless they’re with a patient that is a minor, or they are an interpreter. DUE TO COVID-19 — You MUST WEAR A FACE MASK AT ALL TIMES OVER YOUR NOSE and MOUTH WHILE IN THE OFFICE.
Be Patient
Because it takes time to give every woman individual attention before, during, and after the abortion, plan to be at the center a couple of hours, depending on your length of pregnancy, medical history, and choice of medication. We are primarily concerned with all patients’ well-being and we’re sure you would agree that should not be jeopardized to save time.
You will be warmly greeted by a receptionist who will ask you to complete some admissions and medical history forms. To save time print, complete and bring with you the Patient Forms.
All fees will be collected in full.
All patients will receive an ultrasound or sonogram to determine the length of pregnancy. Sometimes a slim vaginal wand is inserted into the patient’s vagina to visualize the pregnancy. Sometimes a probe is simply placed on the patient’s belly to measure the pregnancy. Your technician may do one or both and will decide at the time of the ultrasound based on what can be seen on the screen which should be used.
Laboratory personnel will then perform tests which include hematocrit, RH blood typing, and pregnancy testing.
Patient Education
On the first visit, you will receive informational group counseling in person with a medical doctor. The information you will receive is supportive and educational in nature.
This information supplements medical care to give women the necessary information to make informed decisions.
Most counseling is done in a group session with other women who will also have an abortion. After the group session, a staff member will then meet privately with each patient and discuss her situation and medical history.
The counselors give frank information about the abortion process itself, including interpretation of medical terminology. All risks are explained and an informed consent is signed. Options available to the patient are discussed.
Eligibility for abortion procedures is up to the physician performing the abortion. Patients traveling great distances should have their pregnancy confirmed by a pregnancy test before making the appointment. Any information concerning the pregnancy should be brought to the clinic.
We use our physician’s pelvic exam, the date of the patient’s last normal menstrual period (LMP), and a sonogram to confirm eligibility.
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